1 Axis Powers ~ Hetalia Pon 25 Jan 2010 - 11:13
Cita neko webcomic? Moze se naci na livejournal-u. Bolji e od anime-a meni.
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"Based on a popular web-released manga series by Hidekazu Himaruya, this has been described as a "cynical gag" story set in Europe in the years between WW1 and WW2 (1915-1939), using exaggerated caricatures of the different nationalities as portrayed by a gaggle of bishōnen. For example, the Italia Veneziano character is into pasta and women. The Deutsche (German) bishi loves potatoes and sausages, and Nippon is an otaku boy. Installments of the manga have jumped back and forth in setting from the ancient times to modern-day geopolitics. The manga's title comes the Japanese words for "useless" (hetare) and Italy (Italia). (Source: ANI)"
Cita neko webcomic? Moze se naci na livejournal-u. Bolji e od anime-a meni.
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Poslednji izmenio EnkoKasumi dana Čet 18 Mar 2010 - 2:55, izmenjeno ukupno 1 puta