1 Kimi to Boku Uto 4 Okt 2011 - 3:51
The story revolves around four teens — the good-looking twins Yuuta and Yuuki Asaba, the effeminate Shun Matsuoka, and the class head Kaname Tsukahara — who have known each other since early childhood. While they are not necessarily good or bad friends, they continue to hang out well into high school. The half-Japanese transfer student Chizuru Tachibana joins the circle of friends in this comedy about the everyday life of adolescence.
Sad sam pocela anime. Navikla sam da budu 4 zenske glavne u ovim srednjoskolskim SoL/Comedy animeima. Ali dobro, ovako je moguce da ce biti BL hintova.
U svakom slucaju, anime nije nista posebno, djeluje opustajuce i jednostavno, taman sta mi treba da dobro izbalansiram ovu sezonu. Pospani blizanci su win, narocito Yuki, posteno me nasmijao u ovoj epizodi.